Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Art Spurt!

It's bleeding out of my fingers! But I've got an obscene amount of space on my website, so why not? I have done some computer modulation, but only to make the scans look as much like the original pages as possible.

This was a free-form drawing, with no photo for reference. After starting it, I immediately wished I had used only white pastels. One small computer modulation beyond those described above - I originally had her eyes a bit too high, and the first pencil mark was faintly visible in the scan, so I smudged it digitally.

Just for fun, I put it into Paint Shop Pro and blue-scaled it:

This one, on the other hand, was sketched by hand and then colored in PSP. The title is "Chocolate Bard" - a combination of my trying to "fantasy up" my work and my really bad pun sense:

But wait. The puns get worse. Much, much worse. This one is entitled Waite-d Dice:

Finally, I went kind of nuts and bought myself a starter set of acrylic paints. This is the result:

I'm having fun conceptualizing things that I can draw without using copyrighted models - and basically giving myself permission to experiment and be not terribly good at it. ;-) I'm taking a roll of film right now to see if my camera even works ... I'll be shocked if it does, considering the film that was in it when I found it was from 2005 ... but it was a good camera, so there's a chance.

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