Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Anatomy of an Idea: Farewell to Flesh

Since this story is now available in Emerald Tales Issue #4 - Carnivale - I thought I would talk a little bit about how the concept came to be.

Most of you know by now that my love is secondary world fantasy - stories set on worlds not our own. When I saw that the theme for Emerald Tale's was Carnivale, I had two thoughts: a) "Very cool!" and b) "Hrm, that it makes it difficult for a secondary world writer ..."

Being contrary, I didn't stop there. It brewed on the back of my brain for a while. Then, somewhere in the grip of a nasty bout of insomnia, it snuck up on me.

Carnivale means "farewell to flesh." That just has endless possibilities for fantasy interpretation. But why would someone leave their body? I thought about inspiring music, like a muse. That's when the term "chord-dancer" came to me and ... well ... danced around my brain.

So I got up at something like 4am and sent an email inquiring if an interpretation of the term "Carnivale" would be potentially appropriate.

Then I went back to bed, still mulling over the story. Sometime past 7am, I finally fell asleep ...

So a night's sleep for a story idea - fair trade?


Aubrie said...

That's why I didn't write a story for this one, because I like secondary worlds as well and I already have a Carnival Series, so I'm gearing up for the next theme: A Midsummer's Night's Eve. Are you going to write for that one as well?

Lindsey Duncan said...

I don't think that one is in the cards for me, but maybe a future issue. Feels a little odd to me since I'm also proofing, but if something really strikes me, it's hard to resist. :-)